Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Part II - History of Incarceration

In the previous post, I showed how the number of people incarcerated and the incarceration rate has grown at a pace that is unsustainable.   More importantly I pointed to the implacable social problem of using mass incarceration as an acceptable form of punishment and also eluded to how fiscally irresponsible this policy is.  In this post I will explore the history of incarceration and show how incarceration, as a form of punishment, was designed as a post-Enlightenment form of punishment that filled the void created by the vacancy of immoral treatment and punishments.
The Breaking Wheel
Historically jails only served as a holding facility designed to coerce people into paying his or her debt, awaiting trail, or awaiting corporal punishments.  Jail terms were often short, usually less than 24 hours because it was expensive and took members out of the colonial workforce.  Before 1750 mutilation and other forms of punishment were more common than imprisonment and incarceration was quite rare (Roth, 2005; p.65).

It was the Enlightenment of the 18th century that called for marked changes in humanitarian treatment.  Treatment that seems almost incomprehensible today were common place, for example “the catalogue of brutalities waged against the body of the offender in the name of punishment was extensive-flesh being torn with red-hot pincers, limbs being scorched with boiling sulphurs, and bodies being tortuously dismembered and burned” (Draper, 2000). 
Cesare Beccaria

Cesare Beccaria an 18th Century Italian philosopher wrote a treatise in 1764 called Dei delitti e delle pene, or On Crime and Punishment.  This work was fundamental and representative of the Enlightenment and called for penal reform and the abolishment of capital punishment and torturous forms of punishment.  

Incarceration rates grew modestly from the late 1700s until 1980.  In 1850 one in 29 Americans were incarcerated and that grew gradually up to one in 133 in 1980 (Calahan, 1986).  The rate of incarceration was actually declining in the 1960s until an increase in the crime rate of the 1970s and politicians became “tough on crime” and that the focus of incarceration shifted from rehabilitation to just exclusion (Foner, 2012; p. 1070).

Historic Incarceration Rate
The data supports my theory that the philosophical shifts in punishment opened the door for a more humane treatment of criminals.  The advocating for the elimination of capital punishment placed the states into a conundrum.  Previously these people were disposed of and were no longer threats or problems to the state.  With the shift away from capital punishment the question remained-what are we to do with these criminal?  The logical step was to move toward incarceration.  I understand this post-Enlightenment philosophy and I think it was a drastic step in the right direction but now we are placed in another conundrum. 

Is mass incarceration the most effective way to handle crime and criminals? 

Is society ready to focus again on rehabilitation? 

Are there more effective ways of reducing recidivism?  Are there humane programs that benefit the human beings that are incarcerated that may have little effect on recidivism but still hold value to society?

In the next installment of this blog I will introduce this issue of racial disparity in the justice system.  And if you think this is not an issue, I will leave you with this thought-African American males are incarcerated at a rate of 6.5 times that of white males and 1 in 9 African American males aged twenty to thirty-four are imprisoned.

Works Cited

Cahalan, M. W. (1986). Historical Corrections Statistics in the United States, 1850-1984. Rockville, Md.: Westat, Inc.

Draper, A. J. (2000). Cesare Beccaria's influences on English discussion of punishment, 1764-1789. History of European Ideas, 177-199.

Foner, E. (2012). Give Me Liberty; an American History. New York, London: W.W. Norton & Company.

Roth, M. P. (2005). Crime and Punishment; a History of the Criminal Justice System. Belmont: Wadsworth.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Part I - So What's The Problem?

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Albert Einstein

There are currently 7.1 million Americans under the supervision of correctional authorities in America.  That is one of every 33 Americans. Of those 7.1 million Americans over 2.3 million are incarcerated according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (Glaze, 2011).          
In 1970 one in every 602 Americans were incarcerated, in 2009 it was one in every 129.  At a time when every penny of every expenditure are under heavy scrutiny many wonder if the current policy of being “tough on crime” –whatever that means- is even working.  

Compared to other developed nations the United States ranks dead last with 753 individuals incarcerated per 100,000 and that’s over three times the current prison rate of the next closest nation, Poland at 224 (Schmitt, Warner, & Gupta, 2010).

In California the average cost to incarcerate a single inmate is over $47,000 a year and in 2010 the state was operating at a $25.4 billion deficit (California Legislative Analyst’s Office) (Williams, 2010).  Anyone can see why at this time the insurmountable cost of incarceration is a topic of major controversy.  But in the posts to come I will explain why cost is not the only issue.  Since the 1960s we have increased the number of individuals incarcerated at a catastrophic rate, at an ever increasing cost with the hopes of curbing crime but the results do not justify the policy. 

In the next segment we will tackle the history of punishment and I will explain how incarceration is a relatively new phenomenon. In segments to follow we will explore in more depth recidivism and mental health.  To wrap up the series I will present current policy shifts, or at least present a case why we should shift to a more modern approach that is rhetoric free, since I am not seeking your vote or running for any office-at least not anytime soon.

Works Cited

(2011). California's Annual Cost to Incarcerate an Inmate in Prison. Sacramento, Ca.: Legislative Analyst's Office .
Glaze, L. E. (2011). Correctional Population In The United States, 2010. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Guerino, P., Harrison, P. M., & Sabol, W. J. (2011). Prisoners in 2010. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Justice Statistics.
Schmitt, J., Warner, K., & Gupta, S. (2010). The High Budgetary Cost of Incarceration. Washington, D.C.: Center for Economic and Policy Research.
Williams, J. (2010, 11 10). Retrieved 02 09, 2012, from